
Baş kirişli Boji, 22,5 dingil basıncına sahip olan UIC ve TSI standartlarına uygun
olarak üre�lmektedir. 1435 mm hat genişliğine uygundur.

Bogie with headbeam has 22.5 axle pressure and is produced in accordance with
UIC and TSI standards. It is suitable for 1435 mm line width.


Teknik Özellikler / Technical Specifica�ons


Boji pi / Type standard design Y25Ls(s)d1K
Ağırlık / Weight (without top pivot part) 4.450 ±%2 (with wheelsets BA004)
Akslar arası mesafe / Wheelbase 1.800 mm
Teker çapı / Wheel diameter (max. and min.) Ø920 mm Ø840 mm
20ton alndaki Pivot yüksekliği / Bogie center pivot height at
wagon weight of 20tons.
925 mm +3/5
Ray ıklığı / Track gauge 1.435 mm
Aks yükü / Axle load 22,5 t
Maksimum genişlik / Maximum width 2.300 mm
Maksimum uzunluk / Maximum length (incl. wheelsets) 3250 mm
Aks kutusu yan boşluklar / Lateral clearance size of axle box
axle guard
2×10 mm
22,5 t Yükleme hızı / For wagons up to the speed max axle load
22,5 t (regarding running gear)
100 km/h
20 t Yükleme hızı / For wagons up to the speed max axle load 20t
(regarding running gear)
120 km/h

Rulman / Axle roller with bearing

Tare wagon

Laden wagon

2,45 mm/t0

0,93 mm/t

Ray eğimi / Rail inclinaon 1:40
Rulman / Axle roller with bearing WJ/WJP 130×240
Clearance at the resilient side bearing 12 mm +2
Kayma plakası / Bogie pivot with liner Yes
Kayma plakası / Suspended side bearers Yes
Fren Sistemi / Type of brake Classical brake system
Sabo / Brake block 2xBgu / Composite K Type

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